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Magic mirror snow white dvd extra

But Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the perfect family film that is still holding up very well all these years. They pretty much represent our moods, they're kinda like a mood ring that's put into one room, lol. I still enjoy watching this film to this day, who could love the seven dwarfs? They all were so funny to watch and are so memorable. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is such a charming film and is another example of beautiful animation and a terrific story that could charm it's way into your heart. While it's a bit different from the original fairy tale, Walt Disney took this familiar classic and turned into a family film that is still talked about over 60 years later. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is the very first animated film featured by Disney and one of the most charming. Summing up: an inspired work of art on every level that will remain a timeless classic. It belongs in the top tier of Disney's crown jewels, along with Pinocchio, Bambi, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. The young in heart will always love this classic. The music is a standout: Someday My Prince Will Come, Heigh-Ho, I'm Wishing, The Yodel Song, etc. All of the dwarfs are given inventive and funny things to do. Dopey's antics are always a delight, as are Doc's and Grumpy's. And, of course, there are the genuinely comic moments that made even the great Charlie Chaplin applaud in admiration. Even the rippling effects of the water in the wishing well scene. There are memorable sequences thanks to daring use of the multiplane camera: Snow White's flight through the woods, the Queen and her Magic Mirror, the Queen in the thunderous transformation scene as the camera seems to whirl around her, the Dwarfs in the mine and their march over the bridge as they sing "Heigh-Ho", the dwarfs chasing the witch in the thunderstorm. There are faults, to be sure, but basically it has to be admired for the innovative techniques it used in the art of animation. And seeing the film now, restored for its video bow, we can appreciate his words.

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Coming from him, that was high praise indeed. He called it a "masterpiece" and said that when the projectionist slipped those reels of film on the projector, the audience at the Music Hall witnessed one of the greatest motion pictures ever made. He usually wrote about politics but on this occasion he took time to devote an entire review to Disney's new film. My mother kept an old clipping for years describing SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS when it opened at Radio City Music Hall and received a rave review from newspaper columnist Westbrook Pegler.

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Disney would make a major breakthrough with this film and it remains refreshing all these years later. I also liked the fact that the darkness of the Grimm's Fairy Tale was also left in and this certainly makes the film more adult in a way. SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS features a memorable and lovable lead character, a great villain and seven great comic relief characters. Look at the terrific detail in the Queen's potions. Just take a look at how much detail is in the forest scenes.

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I've seen plenty of cartoons from this era and the quality is usually good but there's no question that the amount of detail was just taken to a new level here. There's no question that the most impressive thing is how great the actual animation is. As for the film itself, it's certainly a great one from Disney's original Golden Age. After all, it was a mystery if people in 1937 would be willing to sit through a feature-length cartoon and whether or not they'd be able to show emotions towards animated characters. The film was a tremendous hit when it was first released and it really broke new ground in regards to what people would be willing to sit through. There's no question that this is a legendary film and a very important one to history as it was the first feature-length film from Walt Disney Studios. She ends up taking shelter in the forest with seven dwarfs but soon the Queen has more plans to destroy her. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) **** (out of 4) The beautiful and charming Snow White comes under attack by a man who has been hired by the evil Queen to kill her.

Magic mirror snow white dvd extra